we come from a land down under

Monday, 20 June 2011


Another festival on our door step! This was the R&B one...not many people were interested in going but me and Kev soldiered on and decided to go! The line up included Taio Cruz, Keri Hilson, Ciara, Bow Wow, Busta Rhymes, Nelly, The Game...and Snoop Dog!! Thats all I can remember anyways! Timberland was on the line up but cancelled last minute :-(
It was a good day...all the acts were good but I have to say Busta Rhymes smashed it...he got right involved with the crowd! Nelly took over the stage for an hour and half...I like Nelly but 30 mins is enough for anyone! Snoop was due on at 10 bells...he didnt come on till 10.30...at this point it was teaming down and we were drenched! After he sang one song,...Gin and Juice..he went off again to get changed!! I wasnt amused! So we hovered around waiting for him to get back on stage..but in the mean time we got to laugh at the huge muscle man next to us who took his top off to flex in the rain!!! ha.. We stayed and watched most songs but after the 3rd change we'd had enough and bailed home!! Snoop was good but too much of a diva...glad I went though, you'd never get to see all those people on one stage again!!

Rotnest Island

Me and Kev took a little trip to Rotnest Island, which was a little island about 40 minutes from the coast of Perth. We got the Ferry from Hillary's harbour and arrived at the island ready to find our campsite, a back pack full of goodies including our two man tent and a portable cooker!! The island is full of Quokkas, they look like huge rats, not as ugly but have tails just like them. There are no cars on the island, its all about cycling, so we set up the tent....well...Kev set up the tent and then we went to hire some bikes! When you hire a bike, you have to also hire a helmet, its the rules..we couldn't find one to fit Kev's head...bless..all his childhood hang ups came flooding back....he could just hear ",MEAT HEAD, MEAT HEAD!" haha....We had the worst bikes ever,no gears or anything! So we started to cycle around the island..we stopped at the first cove called Henrietta Rocks! We went snorkeling, I put the flippers on and everything...but i couldn't swim with them on...I panicked..tried to swim back to shore and scraped my knees on the rocks!! That was the end of snorkeling for me! We carried on riding round the island, it was full of hills and it was so much bigger than i thought, so mid way round, i gave up, threw the bike and got myself a blag cob on! haha..bare in mind,it was blazing hot too!! We eventually made it back to the camp site, had a little nap...revived to get out tot the pub for our tea and to watch the Everton match! The night in the tent wasn't the comfiest. We could just feel the stone floor underneath us...and Kev was too big for the tent! Then we were woke up at 6am by the song of the crows..horrible little cretins they are..ha! So Kev took a little trip to the shop and got us some breakfast products. He cooked it on the portable stove, he was in his element!! ha..We caught the ferry back to Perth at 11am...it had been a good stay but I was so tired from all the cycling, I used muscles I didnt know existed!! True to form, Kev fell asleep on the ferry back and I spent 45 minutes talkin to myself!!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

a cheeky night in Perth City after a day at the zoo!!!

After we hit the zoo, me and Kev went into the city for a few drinks. We met up with a few of our mates, including flowerpot, a sixty odd year old geezer from manchester, a family friend of nico!! he partied as good as a twenty year old!! we started in the lucky shag, moved onto the belgium beer cafe, then finished the night off at carneigies!! it was a crackin night...the unplanned ones are always the best!!

Perth Zoo...

Me and Kev took the ferry from the city to south perth zoo...it was a long day, walking followed by more walking! but it was a good little day out...we got to see most animals there but most were asleep because it was so hot! we couldnt find the koalas for love nor money, they must have had a good hiding place!! my fave has to be the giant turtoise..he was so old and so slow!! check him out on pic 4!! xxx

Monday, 30 May 2011

Future Music Fessy! 6th March 2011!

We decided to go to the Future Music festival here in Perth, its an annual event and takes place all over Oz! A good crowd of us went, we had drink in our new pad first..then walked along to the festival cos it was 5 mins away! We were upto our old tricks smuggling some vodka in..ordering sprites at the bar but returning drunker and drunker everytime! ha..We got to see Dizzy Rascal, MGMT, Mark Ronson, Keisha, Steve Angelo...and more! Me and Kev ended up loosing everyone because he wanted to get to the front of the stage when Dizzy was on!! We pushed our way to the front and to be fair, we had a crackin time ravin on our own! (When asked the next day if he got to see ste angelo and dizzy, Kev said no! He didnt remember a thing!!)
It was so so hot at the festival..I was happy when the sun went down and I could breathe! ha. Again..I can remember making a short pit stop in between acts to have a pizza?? I needed the fuel!
The next day was a public holiday in Perth...not for me though...my work doesnt recognise it as a holiday and I had to get up at 7am while everyone else got to chill out all day by our pool, nursing their hangovers..I soldiered on!!!
Well worth going into work feeling rough though!! xxx

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Couples Date Night..Valentines!!

It was decided that all the couples should go out together for Valentines day! We booked into a lovely little restaurant called The Witches Couldran in Subiaco, near Perth city.
There were 5 couples including me and Kev..Nic and Elliot, Richie and Sarah, Jess and Steven and Emma and Danny. A scouse, Welsh, Leeds mixture!! It was $100 per couple for 3 courses and a 3 hour bar tab of wine and beer! So it was a good deal! I had a lovely meal..I went for the salt and pepper squid for my starter, Lamb and rosemary potatoes for the main and a fruit pavlova for dessert! Kev was a little less adventurous, ordering the soup for starter (what a waste), fish and chips for mains..and he turned his nose up at all the desserts on offer!
There was a mix up with the numbers and the restaurant had only booked us in for 8 people..so we had to move from our original seats into the corner on our own, in a little booth..which worked out well because we were quite loud. It was like our own individual part of the restaurant! Now that I think back..there probably wasnt a mix up and they just moved us there purposely..keep the rif raf away from the other diners!! haha
We had an American waitress...like us she was on a working holiday visa..she had just got the job at the restaurant. When she brought over our wines..5 large glasses..she struggled and dropped the tray..all the glasses smashed, and the wine spilt all over Jess...it was sly on the poor American! She was mortified..Jess was lovely about it...we all helped clean it up and told her not to worry..we left her a good tip cos we felt so bad for her!
After the meal we went to the lima bar...we had a good little dance!! It wasn't a late one..got home about 1am I think! Had a smashing time and will definitely go back again soon!! xxx